Short Bio:
SCOTT & LILA are an acoustic duo based in Berlin. They play feel-good music which fuses Indie-Folk, Jazz and Blues styles and perform original songs, with vocal harmonies, accompanied by guitar, harmonica and ukulele. The duo met while Busking (street performing) in 2019 and have since toured all over the world.
Long Bio
SCOTT & LILA (Scott Hildebrand and Lila Despoix) are an acoustic duo based in Berlin. They met when Lila spontaneously joined Scott while he was busking in the streets of Berlin in 2019. Since then, they have recorded an album and performed all over Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic, USA, South Korea and Sri Lanka.
Their “feel good” music warms the hearts of listeners, and fuses Indie Folk, Blues and Jazz with a fresh modern twist. They perform their original songs with synergistic vocal harmonies, accompanied by guitar and ukulele. Their songs give listeners a dreamy, wanderlust feeling, while retaining lyrical elements that are timeless, soothing and down to earth.
In 2019, they began their music tour of Europe and Asia. In 2020, when the pandemic began, SCOTT & LILA were touring in Sri Lanka. They got “stuck” there for almost a year. During this time they wrote an album worth of material while living in a small jungle village and made four music videos which are now released. Also, while in Sri Lanka, they had two videos that went viral and were asked to act in a Sri Lankan tourism video.
Upon returning to Berlin, SCOTT & LILA shared the stage with renowned artists; Anthony Lazaro, John Craigie, Beranger, and The Hoosiers. The duo’s music featured on rotation on German "RBB Radio." And performed live on ZDF German Television. They have continued to enchant audiences with tours across Europe, the USA, and South Korea.
In 2023, SCOTT & LILA released a double single with Anthony Lazaro, achieving international success and now has 1 million streams on Spotify. Their spontaneous street performances have garnered them a significant following on TikTok, with multiple viral videos capturing their raw, authentic style. Their talent and hard work were recognized with funding from the German cultural association, Initiative Musik, for their debut album, which lead up to a sold out release show at Maschinenhaus in der Kulturbrauerei Berlin.
Join SCOTT & LILA on their musical journey and experience the magic of their debut album, released September 2024.
Scott Hildebrand is a singer-songwriter from Chicago, USA and has released six singles and two EPs. He’s a multi-instrumentalist primarily playing guitar and harmonica heavily influenced by Bob Dylan, The Beatles and many of the Blues greats.
Scott has busked and played shows in countless cities spanning five continents, and has performed in clubs, bars, and music festivals such as the legendary FRL Festival in Australia, eight Sofar Sounds shows in different cities around the globe, as well as the beachside venues of Guatemala, Sri Lanka and India. Scott travels the world absorbing inspiration and sharing his music.
Scott’s rendition of the 1960s anti-war classic, “Eve of Destruction” was used in Hollywood movie, THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7.
Actor Chris Hemsworth, in his Instagram video, featured Scott’s song “Ready to Fly.” This video was broadcast on BBC and other major global media outlets.
Lila Despoix is a Paris born, Berlin-raised singer, whose voice captivates her listeners. She was raised on Jazz classics, Blues and Pop. Lila’s voice is a modern fusion of tradition and freshness.
She sang lead with The United Big Band, a 25-member group. In 2018, and won the international contest “Jugend Jazzt” in Frankfurt.
In 2021, Lila’s song “Encore Un Instant” was used in Renaissance Theater Berlin.
German Bio:
SCOTT & LILA sind ein Akustik-Duo aus Chicago und Paris, in Berlin lebend.
Sie spielen ein Musikgenre welches Indie-Folk, Indie-Pop, Jazz- und Blues-Stilistiken miteinander verbindet und spielen eigene Songs mit Gesangsharmonien, begleitet von Gitarre, Mundharmonika und Ukulele.
Das Duo hat sich 2019 bei einem von Scotts Straßenmusik-Auftritten kennengelernt, begann dann zusammen Songs zu schreiben und ist seitdem um die Welt getourt.
2019 starteten SCOTT & LILA eine Tour durch Europa und Asien. Als 2020 die Pandemie ausbrach, saßen sie für ein Jahr auf Sri Lanka fest. Sie nahmen diese unerwartete Wendung an und vertieften sich in das Songwriting, während sie in einem kleinen Dschungeldorf lebten, produzierten eine Fülle neuer Musik und drehten fesselnde Musikvideos.
Nach ihrer Rückkehr nach Berlin teilten SCOTT & LILA die Bühne mit renommierten Künstlern wie Anthony Lazaro, John Craigie, Beranger und The Hoosiers. Ihre Musik wurde regelmäßig auf dem deutschen “RBB Radio” gespielt und sie traten live im ZDF auf. Sie verzauberten weiterhin das Publikum mit Touren durch Europa, die USA und Südkorea und Japan.
2023 veröffentlichten SCOTT & LILA eine Doppel-Single mit Anthony Lazaro, die internationalen Erfolg hatte und mittlerweile 1 Million Streams auf Spotify verzeichnet. Ihre spontanen Straßenauftritte verschafften ihnen eine beträchtliche Anhängerschaft auf TikTok, mit mehreren viralen Videos, die ihren rohen, authentischen Stil festhielten. Ihr Talent und ihre harte Arbeit wurden mit einer Förderung der deutschen Kulturvereinigung Initiative Musik für ihr Debütalbum gewürdigt, was zu einer ausverkauften Release-Show im Maschinenhaus der Kulturbrauerei Berlin führte.
Begleite SCOTT & LILA auf ihrer musikalischen Reise und erlebe die Magie ihres Debütalbums, welches im September 2024 veröffentlicht wurde.
Social Media Links:
▶ Instagram:
▶ Spotify:
▶ YouTube:
▶ Facebook:
▶ Soundcloud:
▶ TikTok:
▶ On the Web:
▶ Stream:
Music Video Links
“Told You Once” Official Music Video
“We Can Make it Work” Live Video
“Heute Hier, Morgen Dort” Live Video
“When I Was Young” Music video
“Told You Once” Cargo Bike Advertisement
“Love is How We Choose” Music Video
Press Links: